Why to Outsource Email Management to a Virtual Assistant?

Have you ever noticed that a very large proportion of working hours goes into email correspondences? The time that should ideally be spent on focusing on business growth and developmental activities ends up going into the black hole of email communications.

According to research, a person on average spends over five and a half hours a day checking and responding to emails. Email is the most essential part of a business and the most preferred way of business communication compared to chat, phone call and text messages. So what’s ideally the biggest business enabler is ironically the biggest guzzler of time and productivity. And the significance of emails is expected to only increase in the days to come.

In today’s connected world, a quick response to an email is expected and appreciated by business associates as well as customers. However, handling emails 24X7 is not easy. A virtual assistant can help respond to your customers’ emails almost immediately, increasing your business’ engagement with them. Here are a few reasons why you should consider outsourcing your email management to a Virtual Assistant.

Organized – Most of our email inboxes are chaotic and cluttered beyond recognition. With more than a dozen subscriptions emails on an average the chances of missing out on crucial emails are very high. Sometimes these emails may mean a missed business opportunity or worse may have serious legal implications. If you don’t have the time to get your inbox under control, a virtual assistant will organize it for you. The assistant will unsubscribe from irrelevant emails, opt out of others, delete unnecessary ones and may even create separate folders for each email head.

Cost-effective – Email Management Virtual Assistants are generally available at the affordable end of the spectrum. Investing in an Email Management Virtual Assistant will turn out to be one of the most prudent business investments.

Email deaddiction – A 2014 research shows that a person checks her email on an average of 15 times a day. That’s once every half an hour. If you are one of those people who checks your email every half an hour or less then you should consider outsourcing your emails. As it will not only reduce unwanted stress but also prime your brain to work on productive issues at hand.

Deal with disturbance – With an avalanche of spam and unsolicited emails hitting our inboxes every day. The incessant pings can be irritating. Also, every new email comes with the expectation of engaging us meaningfully. But 80% of emails are unwanted which takes us away from our work. Outsourcing email management can leave you dealing with your emails for a maximum of 4 times in a day. This has shown to exponentially increase the productivity of the brain.

Email Management Virtual Assistant from Abroad Assistants use software with advanced algorithms to intelligently sift through your emails and automate a big chunk of them according to the guidelines provided by you. It’s time to feel lighter and more productive with Abroad Assistants by your side.

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