The 4 hours workweek & Virtual Assistants

Virtual Assistant - Abroad Assistant Work life Balance
14 Jul, 2018

This articles will explain, you how you can use Tim Ferris 4-hour workweek principles’ with the help of Virtual Assistant & achieve Work Life Balance.

The urge to earn more amounts of profits has resulted in the growth of the competition level in business. Today business persons are implementing various methods to make their business grow. The virtual assistant is one such approach.

Some people tend to focus on work that hard that they don’t have time for self, they remain busy in making money. Some work day and night to make the best results come out. Yes, the best results are necessary but are of no use if compromised with life and living. As we all know well, there must be a balance between work and life, but this remains imaginary at times. We all should try to give time to some other things as well because they are the real treasures you are working for. Working for our own happiness and killing it at the same time by not being well-connected to life makes no sense.

New ways have emerged and are emerging to manage the work. Work smart without compromising with the quality and quantity of work as well as money. Recent trends show a great hike in the culture of Virtual Assistants. Hiring a Virtual Assistant has become a trend now.

Why is this necessary?

The best answer to this can be, of course, to work efficiently with enjoying life. Many entrepreneurs have witnessed the rise in their business to a such a level that it becomes difficult for them to handle all the tasks, even with the help of the team. Also, the job workers also face the same problem if given a lot amount of work. It becomes hard to find time for something else.

One more reason to look for a virtual assistant is that not everything is known to everyone. So, in such cases one can hire a virtual assistant to do the task he/ she is less aware of or doesn’t want to spend time on them.

How to make things work?

There may be several steps one can adopt if he/she owns the business. The ways to lessen the amount of work might be different and can be selected according to work. Even if someone is an employee, he/she can look for the ways to be more efficient in work.

The need is to analyze the type of work you want to be done, defining goals and then searching for someone who matches the requirements. Virtual Assistants are a good way to proceed. There are many companies in the required category that aim to provide the best Virtual Assistant services. Take a look at their Virtual Assistant services; may make your work easier.

Fruitful Results

Most of the times getting the tasks done with the help of a virtual assistant produce fruitful results. There are possibilities of some loss too because of an inefficient virtual assistant. Being cautious before assigning the works to avoid such issues.


People have talked about their experience with virtual assistants as one of the best ways to be balanced and do what you love. Also, there are virtual assistants who really serve as a great asset for the company by taking it to the highest levels. So, fruitful results can be assured while working with a virtual assistant. It is the kinds of relief from the load of a heavy amount of work. This indeed result in time saved for hobbies or personal commitments, priorities maintained, and benefits earned.


Tim Ferris 4-hour workweek principles-what does it mean?

The phrase means working 4 hours per day and make earnings. Most of the people might be wondering that what will be the benefit in working for just four hours. Having a virtual assistant can prove to be of great help here too. Long hours of work don’t matter instead it is the quality and timely completion of the work generates concerns. So, one can enjoy the four-hour principle if he plans to get work done with the help of a virtual assistant.

Thoughts of Tim Ferris will impress you

Tim Ferris, the author of 4 Hours Work Week, explains the whole concept and benefit of 4 hour work week in the book. It was one of the best-selling books related to virtual assistant services.

The book contains the real-life experiences of the author and is a must-read for business owners and entrepreneurs. The advantages of 4 hour work week are explained in an impressive way. After reading the narrative you too might want to enjoy the virtual assistant services

Ways to improve four hour work week

The best to start is to focus on priorities and cut what is unnecessary. After elimination, outsourcing is a good way to go. Outsource your extra work to the virtual assistants and let them handle the tasks for you. You can be now free from the less productive tasks like handling emails or answering calls. Now the focus on other works can earn good revenue while working even 4 hours.

Remember, less does not refer to laziness and working for fewer hours is not a bad thing. Instead, it holds some greatest benefits. Trying to do everything will not help as nobody is good at everything. Working with your strengths and outsourcing the tasks that include your weak spots to virtual assistants will help in completing all kinds of tasks.

The concept of $500 & $1500

If there are two persons, one earning $1500 per Week from a 9-5 job and the other one earning $500 from 4 hours work week and outsourcing then who is the one earning big? Everybody would say the first one. But, analyzing the things in depth might change the answers. Working 8 hours and earning $1500 weekly may seem good but there is less possibility of enjoying the work along with life. Whereas, working 4 hours weekly and getting all things sorted, getting time for near ones and for other works, is definitely a great deal. The outsourcing allows one to have time for him and can have the real feel of life along with this. So, never go on quantity and focus on quality.

Take a smart move and be a real businessman

A real businessman is one who is able to run the business efficiently and manage the work. He/she understands the importance of outsourcing and making a smart move.

The points explained above must have increased awareness about work with virtual assistants and developed an interest towards having one. So, make the move and enjoy doing your work while maintaining a balance in life.

Don’t hesitate to Contact Us for more details.

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