Psychological Principles That Can Be Used To Improve Your Virtual Assistant.

There’s no doubt that the days of working in the office for truly around 9 AM – 5 PM is indeed over. The current times are all about cheap broadband and remote working tools – through which you can now source your employees from anywhere in the world. Even if it sounds great in theory, it’s also fantastic in real-life as well.

But, it should be kept in mind that such virtual assistants are also real people and you shouldn’t take them for granted when trying to manage them in return for salary or payment. The following are some principles to improve your virtual assistant that you can follow for keeping the workload of the management less and still keep your  productive and happy too.

Psychological Principles to Improve Your Virtual Assistant

  1. Try to Provide Them Structure

There are very few people out there who can do their jobs without any guidance or structure. At first, it might take some effort, but in the end, it will be truly worth it. Take your time to let your virtual assistant know about the various processes before they’re followed. Your virtual assistant should never wonder about what needs to be done and what not – such confusion shouldn’t exist. Try providing a report on what your virtual assistant has done daily.

Such a task is different than micromanagement, as once you set up the procedure for your virtual assistant, you’ll only need to check-in periodically for the same.

  1. Using the Right Management Tools

It shouldn’t mean that if your employee is working as a virtual assistant, you should skimp on using the right kind of management tools. You’ll need the right methods and tools for tracking the working hours of your virtual assistant, manage vacation or sick leaves and so on.

  1. Working as a Team

To build a successful team, you don’t need to work with that are only physically present – you can also create a team with virtual assistants as well. Ensure to think your virtual assistant as your office colleagues, try making them feel that they’re a part of the organization and they’ll help you protect the interests of the company, on your behalf.

Furthermore, you also get to know each other in a better manner and try to have non-business chats for the same too. You cannot work productively with someone that you think is a stranger. Your virtual assistant will come to know about your desires and needs too – which is a win-win strategy for both.


It can be easily seen nowadays that companies are hiring more and more virtual assistants, as they provide great and invaluable returns on investment. Hiring a good online virtual assistant will allow you to do what’s important,  i.e. running your company or business in the best possible manner. If you can build your professional relationship with your virtual assistant and lay a solid foundation, you’ll not experience an unproductive day later on in your life.

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