6 Don’ts for a successful virtual Assistant

A Virtual Assistant is the need of the hour. In these times of competition among virtual assistants, a successful virtual assistant is someone who cares for his client’s businesses as he would have done for his own, accepts his mistakes and Learns from it, is proactive, farsighted and who can showcase his achievements more than his caliber or potential. People hire a virtual assistant keeping these qualities in their minds.

Let’s discuss them in detail,

  • Not my Business

Never, I repeat Never; treat the business of your client as his business. If a client is hiring you as a virtual assistant then you are also part of the business, therefore, work as if the company belongs to you. A successful virtual assistant is someone who feels, works and reacts as if he belongs to that company. Felt like a king now?

  • Do it later Attitude

Time is money has been said again and again and you know exactly what it is so.

Don’t be a sucker of time but be a sucker of work and that too Quality work. (Did you expect a song of Nick Jonas instead). When clients hire a virtual assistant, they mostly prefer proactive people.

  • Perfect Assistant with no mistakes

Never be someone who hides mistakes, we all are humans and perfect human doesn’t exist so own your doings be it right or wrong. Perfection is demanded but excellence is what we can attain. Perfection can be a myth. Clients hire a virtual assistant who craves for excellence and nothing less.

  • Limited sighted Virtual Assistant

Clients hire a virtual assistant who thinks ahead of work what is asked of him/her, the VAs who does it cannot be stopped from getting hired a lot more than their competitors. Not only that but also they have their clients happy and satisfied with their work.

  • One Way Communication

Don’t always communicate verbally but try alternate yet professional ways of exchanging views.

Communicate through emails, VCs. These ways help the completion of tasks efficiently.

A successful Virtual Assistant is someone who can google his way out of any situation without asking the client and wasting his time on petty issues.

  • A Lot of caliber with No Achievements

These days Clients hire a virtual assistant not based on personality or potential but on what they have achieved to date. So a successful Virtual assistant should be someone who can showcase his/her achievements as a virtual assistant. A successful virtual assistant is someone who has a basic knowledge of various niches but deep knowledge of the sector he is working in currently as a virtual assistant.


These are the 6 don’ts that every successful Virtual assistant avoids. They focus on the ominous qualities which are very essential to be in the preferred list of their clients. They make rosters of their client’s activities, rely less on the inputs of their manager and make their path. These are the qualities that the clients look forward to when they hire a Virtual Assistant.

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